
"All Creatures Great and Small" holds a special place in the hearts of many television viewers. The iconic series, based on James Herriot's beloved books, has delighted audiences for generations. With its unforgettable characters, heart warming stories, and breathtaking Yorkshire landscapes, the show has become synonymous with gentle rural charm. Whether you are a fan of the original series or the...

Whilst staying at Moulton View Holiday Cottage you may want to partake in a few games of Golf if you are a keen Golfer. We have a number of Golf Courses in North Yorkshire and over the border into County Durham. It may be that you are looking for a Golfing holiday and want to explore and try different Golf Courses. Let us take you through some of the popular ones that are available in the area,...

About 6.5 miles from Moulton Village is the fantastic Ellerton Water Park quoted as the "cleanest lake in the North of England". If you are a water baby and just love to be in it or around it, then this is the place to be. The park allows open water swimming, sailing, paddle boarding, Kayaking, Canoeing, and Scuba Diving. The 60 acre lake is a fresh water lake in Ellerton on Swale not far from t...

When staying at Moulton View you will no doubt want to visit the many attractions that Yorkshire has to offer. Kiplin Hall and Gardens is just down the road from Moulton Village and situated between Ellerton-on-Swale and Northallerton.  With its award winning tearoom and 400 years worth of stories about the members of four families that owned Kiplin Hall over four centuries and the international a...